16 Boulevard du Canal in Thonon les Bains (74200). Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. non-stop
Conditions for taking care of New Large Dog Customers:
Following the resurgence of behavioral problems from new large dog customers and the lack of reservation time slots, we are forced to require a first behavioral approach to your dog by a professional educator / behaviorist before being taken care of by our salon. This approach must be less than 3 months old. We support this request on all large dogs ofshepherd type and shepherd cross (FCI: Group 1), Cattle dogs (FCI group 1 and 2), primitive type dogs (FCI: Group 5), as well as all dogs categorized.
We mean by large dog a height at the withers greater than 45cm.
Ormis if you pass byCynotech, we ask your educator to complete and validate the certificate (to be dated and stamped) opposite and present it to us during the grooming appointment (mandatory).
Our partnership to Privilege
Educator / behaviorist
For this first behavioral evaluation before the treatment by the groomer, our partner Cynotech performs the behavioral evaluationFree.
Because the comfort of your dog during grooming is an absolute necessity for us, we can work in collaboration with an Educator / behaviorist that we recommend to you. Choose Yoann from Cynotech and benefit from -5% discount on your session (ask for your Qr Promo Code at the salon)